Elyx 70 Days

After visiting Brazil over the weekend, Elyx traveled north to spend some time in Honduras. Upon arrival in the capital of Tegucigalpa, Elyx was greeted by people from the many UN offices in the country, who were all very excited to meet the digital ambassador. There are currently 12 UN offices in Honduras: FAO, UNDP,

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After a long trip from Peru, Elyx arrived in Hungary, exhausted, but curious. In 1956, when the Hungarian uprising was at its height, the activism of a twelve year old Korean boy was sparked. Together with his classmates he wrote to the then UN Secretary-General for an intervention. This boy became the current UN Secretary-General,

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Today Elyx will deviate from his tight travel schedule to offer his support to World Humanitarian Day. Elyx wants to use his time in the spotlight to honor all the people who commit their lives to helping humans in need, irrespective of their gender, sexual orientation, religion or nationality. World Humanitarian Day is an important

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