Elyx shares Humanity

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Today Elyx will deviate from his tight travel schedule to offer his support to World Humanitarian Day. Elyx wants to use his time in the spotlight to honor all the people who commit their lives to helping humans in need, irrespective of their gender, sexual orientation, religion or nationality.

World Humanitarian Day is an important day for the UN, because it is dedicated to all those who worked on and have lost their lives while working for humanitarian causes. This day was designated as a result of the 2003 bombing of the UN Headquarters in Baghdad, and the loss of several UN employees. To commemorate these, and of course the countless other humanitarians, we bring their stories to the attention of as many people we can. You can read some of the stories on this website.

Four humanitarian principles: Humanity. Neutrality. Impartiality. Independence.

Being without skin, color, gender, sexual orientation, nationality or ideology, Elyx connects all people, irrespective of what might divide them. The digital ambassador is thus truly a unifying symbol and supports humanitarians, who, like him, are symbols of universal unity and humanity. Their never ending optimism, joy and care for other human beings makes their actions admirable and should be an example for all people in the world. On this, the always positive and cheerful Elyx could not agree more.

Photos from Elyx’s 70 Day Journey (Full Flickr Gallery)

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