Photo credit: Tatenda Macheka/WFP

Zimbabwe: Elyx gets a warm welcome

After Lebanon, Elyx hops back on its cloud and flies over to Zimbabwe, a landlocked country in Southern Africa, home to the wondrous Victoria Falls, a natural treasure on the UNESCO World Heritage List.Elyx is delighted to see that the United Nations have a sizable presence in the country!

Elyx is excited to visit Zimbabwe WFP Country Office!(Photo credit: Tatenda Macheka/WFP)

WFP colleagues give the UN digital ambassador a warm welcome in their country office in Harare, the capital city. They explain to Elyx that, sadly, Zimbabwe is a low-income, food deficit country where 72 percent of the population lives on less than USD 1.25 per day. Moreover, political and economic instability together with natural disasters and climate-related hazards, such as droughts, further aggravate the situation.

Elyx does not miss the chance to water flowers!(Photo credit: Tatenda Macheka/WFP)

The ambassador is, however, relieved to hear that WFP has implemented a Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation which, whilst continuing to provide direct emergency aid through food distribution and cash transfers, emphasizes self-reliance. There is also a Food Assistance for Assets’ programme in place. It aims not only at meeting the food needs of vulnerable people, but also at empowering them and strengthening local communities’ resilience to natural disasters. Indeed, beneficiaries get involved in the creation of productive community assets, such as dams.

Elyx realizes once more that women can be a really powerful driver for change at the Women Peace Committee in Machaka (Photo credit: UNV Zimbabwe)

Now it is time for Elyx to meet the United Nations Volunteers team, who want to show the ambassador the work they do in the field. As Elyx knows, UNV is the United Nations programme responsible for promoting peace and development through volunteerism. In countries like Zimbabwe, which have been torn apart by a number of conflicts since the attainment of independence in 1980, the work done by UNV towards peace and reconciliation is priceless.

Elyx is touched to see such a warm welcome (Photo credit: UNV Zimbabwe)

Elyx, surrounded by joyful and caring people, feels hopeful for the future of the country!

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